Conversion Objective

When you want Conversions, ask for Conversions

Facebook will give you what you ask Facebook to give you. If you ask Facebook for engagement, it’ll give you engagement. If you ask for video views, it’ll give you Video Views.

And if you ask for Conversions, it’ll give you Conversions.

So if you’re an E-commerce, you’re going to want people to convert on your website!

At the Ad Set level, you will tell Facebook which Conversion Event you want it to optimise for

In most cases this would be PURCHASE. However, in some instances you may want to optimise a little higher up the funnel – such as Add to Cart or Initiate Checkout.

The reasons why you might do this, is if your audience is not warm enough and you know that a purchase is a bit of an over reach. Or if your product is a high ticket item, then you might just want to get them closer to the hot part of the funnel.

So one strategy might be – Conversions Objective with Add To Cart as the optimised event, and then a second campaign that targets Abandoned Carts with a special offer. Or maybe you have a great email recovery campaign that mops up abandoned carts.