Conversion Events

What are the different Conversion Events?

There are a number of what we call Standard Events and these are the ones that are standard and are automatically configured in your account and in your pixel. These are the most commonly used events and the vast majority of small businesses will never need to use anything other than these.

Custom Events are specific non-standard events that need additional configuration in your account to set-up, for example if you were ASOS you may want to create a Custom Event for people who have searched for Black Dresses.

As a small business learning Facebook Ads, just stick to the Standard Events.

View Content Asking FB to get people to View Content
Search Asking FB to get people to Search website
Add To Cart Asking FB to get people to Add a product to cart
Initiate Checkout Asking FB to get people to Initiate Checkout
Add Payment Info Asking FB to get people to Add payment info
Purchase Asking FB to get people to make a purchase

Conversion Events

You may be thinking ‘why would you want Facebook to get people to View Content if you want Purchases?’ and in 95% of cases, you should be optimising for Purchases if you’re an E-commerce website. But there are some exceptions as mentioned in the previous topic.

Why does Facebook only show my ad to a few people?

Have you noticed that your audience might be 2 million people, but Facebook shows your ad to a tiny %, maybe just 1-2-3% of your audience? There is a good reason for that.

Because you have asked Facebook for Purchases, for example. Facebook knows out of that 2 million audience, which people have a high propensity to make a Purchase from a Facebook ad, so it ignores all the people who won’t take the action you’re asking for and won’t show them the ad.