Acronyms in Facebook Ads


CPM                            Cost Per Mile

CPC                              Cost Per Click

CTR                              Click Through Rate

LPV                              Landing Page Views – full views of the landing page

PPE                              Page Post Engagement

ATC                              Add to Cart

Reach                          the unique number of people reached

Impressions                the number of times the ad was served

Frequency                   how many times on average, each person saw the ad in the selected time frame

AOV                             Average Order Value – the average basket total per order

Conversion Rate         the % of traffic that typically produces a sale/result on your website

LTV                              Lifetime Value – how much a customer is worth, taking into account the number of times they are likely to return

Attribution window    the time period between seeing an ad and the result occurring, in which Facebook ‘attributes’ it to the campaign

Creative                       all the visual details at the Ad Level